Guidelines for Caring After Your Dental Procedure

Tooth Prep Phase:

1. Anticipate feeling sensitivity and tenderness in the tooth and the surrounding gum area for a day or two. Get in touch with our clinic if this sensation lingers beyond this period.

2. In case anesthesia is administered, abstain from chewing, biting, or consuming food until the numbness subsides.

3. The final restoration might be affixed either on the same day or scheduled for a separate appointment.

Interim Restorations:

1. Opt for softer food options and steer clear of overly crunchy, chewy, or hard items.

2. Thoroughly cleanse around the restoration, delicately brushing and flossing. Using a single-ended flossing technique can help prevent accidental displacement of the interim restoration.

3. Should the interim restoration become loose or break, reach out to us without delay.

Following Placement of the Permanent Restoration:

1. Refrain from chewing tough, crispy, or adhesive foods for the initial 24 hours to ensure complete bonding of the cement.

2. You might experience mild sensitivity to hot or cold foods, which usually resolves within a few weeks. If this sensitivity persists for over six weeks, kindly inform our clinic.

Continual Upkeep:

1. Effective maintenance encompasses brushing after eating, along with snacks, and flossing at least once nightly before bedtime.

2. Rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash aids in the removal of any particles missed during brushing and flossing.

For any discomfort or queries regarding your treatment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

Call Us

Tel: (916) 483-7459
Fax: (916) 483-0604

3840 Watt Ave Bldg. D
Sacramento CA 95821