Restorative Dental – Crowns

Preserve Tooth Function with Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are vital restorations that safeguard damaged teeth and preserve their natural structure. Typically, crowns are completed in two visits.

The initial visit involves tooth preparation and impression-taking, followed by the placement of a temporary crown. On the second visit, the permanent crown is meticulously fitted and securely cemented into position.

If a tooth has more extensive decay, a dental crown may be the ideal solution.

Preserving Natural Teeth with Crowns

The primary goal of placing a crown is to preserve the natural tooth, maintaining supporting bone structure and stability of adjacent teeth.

The process starts with an impression to create a model of the teeth, ensuring the crown’s natural look and function. Decay is removed during tooth preparation, and an impression is taken to ensure a proper fit for the final crown.

In some cases, the final crown can be placed on the same day, but at times a temporary crown is used while the permanent restoration is created. With proper care and oral hygiene, crowns can often last a lifetime.

There are four common types of crowns:

  • Ceramic

    Enhancing Your Smile with Porcelain-Based Crowns

    Ideal for visible teeth when smiling, these crowns utilize porcelain-based material to maintain the natural look of your teeth.

  • Porcelain Fused to Metal

    Renowned for Strength and Natural Aesthetics

    These crowns combine remarkable strength and durability with a natural-looking restoration.

  • Gold Alloys

    These crowns are a preferred choice when additional strength is required, particularly for patients with nighttime teeth grinding.

  • Base Metal Alloys

    Durable and Corrosion-Resistant: Ideal for Limited Tooth Structure

    These crowns are a popular option for cases with limited existing tooth structure, offering strength and corrosion resistance.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

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Tel: (916) 483-7459
Fax: (916) 483-0604

3840 Watt Ave Bldg. D
Sacramento CA 95821