Restorative Dental – Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays: Safeguarding Oral Health and Aesthetics

Restorative treatments preserve oral and overall health while enhancing smiles.

Timely restorative procedures can minimize future dental work needs.

Optimal Restoration: Inlays and Onlays for Extensive Decay In cases of larger cavities or decay affecting multiple areas of a tooth, inlays, or onlays offer excellent restorative solutions.

Understanding Inlays and Onlays: Restorative Dental Solutions

An inlay restores cavities within the grooves or pits of the tooth’s biting surface, while onlays are used when decay affects the tooth cusps. Both address compromised tooth structure due to decay.

Inlays and onlays can be crafted from cast gold alloy or tooth-colored ceramic materials, replicating the natural tooth’s shape and function.

Before the procedure, a model of the patient’s tooth is created, allowing for verification of the restoration’s shape and fit. The final inlay or onlay is remarkably durable and can be securely cemented or bonded into place.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

Call Us

Tel: (916) 483-7459
Fax: (916) 483-0604

3840 Watt Ave Bldg. D
Sacramento CA 95821